``Where the
Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be; |
Lord, have mercy
on us. Christ have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, (have mercy on us.) God the Son, Redeemer of the world, (have mercy on us.) God the Holy Spirit, (have mercy on us.) Holy Trinity, One God, (have mercy on us.) |
Holy Mary, St. Joseph, Noble scion of David, Light of the Patriarchs, Spouse of the Mother of God, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin, Foster-father of the Son of God, Sedulous Defender of Christ, Head of the Holy Family, Joseph most just, Joseph most chaste, Joseph most prudent, Joseph most valiant, Joseph most obedient, Joseph most faithful, Mirror of patience, Lover of poverty, Model of all who labor, Glory of family life, Protector of virgins, Pillar of families, Consolation of the afflicted, Hope of the sick, Patron of the dying, Terror of the demons, Protector of Holy Church, |
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Lamb of God, Who
takes away the sins of the world, (spare us, O Lord.) |
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Christe, audi nos. Christe, exaudi nos. Pater de caelis, Deus, (miserere nobis.) Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus, (miserere nobis.) Spiritus Sancte Deus, (miserere nobis.) Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, (miserere nobis.) |
Sancta Maria, Sancte Ioseph, Proles David inclyta, Lumen Patriarcharum, Dei Genetricis Sponse, Custos pudice Virginis, Filii Dei nutricie, Christi defensor sedule, Almae Familiae praeses, Ioseph iustissime, Ioseph castissime, Ioseph prudentissime, Ioseph fortissime, Ioseph oboedientissime, Ioseph fidelissime, Speculum patientiae, Amator paupertatis, Exemplar opificum, Domesticae vitae decus, Custos virginum, Familiarum columen, Solatium miserorum, Spes aegrotantium, Patrone morientium, Terror daemonum, Protector sanctae Ecclesiae, |
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Agnus Dei, qui
tollis peccata mundi, (parce nobis, Domine.) |
Note: Pope Francis added these titles to the Litany of St. Joseph in his "Lettera della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti ai Presidenti delle Conferenze dei Vescovi circa nuove invocazioni nelle Litanie in onore di San Giuseppe," written on May 1, 2021: Custos
Redemptoris (Guardian of the Redeemer)
Serve Christi (Servant of Christ) Minister salutis (Minister of salvation) Fulcimen in difficultatibus (Support in difficulties) Patrone exsulum (Patron of refugees) Patrone afflictorum (Patron of the suffering) Patrone pauperum (Patron of the poor) The letter includes this provision: "According to their prudential judgement Episcopal Conferences can also introduce other invocations by which Saint Joseph is honoured in their countries." |