Apologia: The Fullness of Christian Truth

``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be;
even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D

About this section of this website...


The purpose of this section of this website is to teach converts and conservative Catholics who want to return to Tradition how to worship as traditional Catholics.

What I want this area to be is a complete online manual that baby-steps one through the "how-tos" of Catholicism. I want to present the material in such a way that someone who's totally unfamiliar with traditional Catholic culture -- including Catholic folk customs -- can come to be as comfortable with it as if he'd grown up in the Church. I try to write without the presumption that my audience will be familiar with the everyday Catholic things, expressions, and ideas that cradle Catholics take for granted, so I try to heavily cross-reference and link to explanatory material. I can only imagine the puzzled expressions on the face of an ex-Pentecostal-cum-new Catholic convert when hearing that we Catholics "can gain a plenary indulgence if we pray a Novena starting on Corpus Christi in anticipation of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, a day we enthrone the Sacred Heart and pray a Litany." Unanswered are the questions, "What's a Novena? What's 'Corpus Christi'? What do you mean by 'Sacred Heart'? What's a 'plenary indulgence'? What's a litany? And how the heck do you 'enthrone' the 'Sacred Heart'? What does all this mean?"

In other words, I sort of want to act as "Godmother to Netizens" and answer all those questions new Catholics "want to know about Catholicism, but are afraid to ask" -- the sorts of things they don't teach you in those typically horrible "RCIA" or "faith formation programs," but you are supposed to know somehow.

As you read, note the following:

  • I write with the 1962 Missal and Liturgical Calendar in mind because they are the most commonly used by traditional priests1
  • All Scriptural references are to the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible, including Psalm numbering 2
  • Where there is a difference between the new Code of Canon Law3 and now voluntary but beneficial and common traditional Catholic practices, I try to state both so Catholics can know what they are canonically bound to -- but will nonetheless likely find their fellow traditionalists doing out of a love for the Church, a desire to be faithful to Her true Spirit, and in the spirit of true obedience.


1 A missal is a book that contains the rite of the Mass, and its prayers, readings, lessons, etc. The 1962 version of the Missal is the last Missal used before the Novus Ordo Missae -- the new rite of the Mass -- was introduced after the Second Vatican Council ("Vatican II"), which took place from 1962 to 1965.
2 The Douay Bible (Challoner revision) is the Bible version whence the readings for the 1962 Missal come in its English translation (the Latin comes from the Latin Vulgate, the translation of the Bible made by St. Jerome and which is the official Bible version for the Roman Church). For information on the differences in Psalm numbering used by most Protestants and "Novus Ordo Catholics" (for lack of a better term) on the one hand, and by traditional Catholics on the other, see the bottom of the "Books of the Catholic Bible" page.
3 A new Code of Canon Law was also introduced after Vatican II, in 1983. Prior to this, the 1917 Code of Canon Law was used.

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