Fish Eaters: The Whys and Hows of Traditional Catholicism

``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be;
even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D

Who's Who of Malachi Martin's "Windswept House"

The characters of Fr. Malachi Martin's "Windswept House" are said to be actual people whose names were changed for the text of the book. The following is a guide to who's who in that book. This comes from the bottom of the text version of Fr. Martin's "Windswept House," found at this URL:

1. Jean-Claude Cardinal de Vincennes - Jean Cardinal Villot (deceased)
2. Cosimo Cardinal Mastroianni - Agostino Cardinal Casaroli (deceased)
3. Silvio Cardinal Aureatini - Achille Cardinal Silvestrini, Cong. Oriental Church
4. Leo Cardinal Pensabene - Pio Cardinal Laghi, Congregation of Christian Education
5. Cardinal Moradian - Gregoire Pierre Cardinal Agagainian (deceased)
6. Cardinal Karmel - Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, Paris
7. Leonard Cardinal Boff - Basil Cardinal Hume, Westminster (deceased)
8. Aviola -Silvano Cardinal Piovanelli, Florence
9. Cardinal Sturz - Franz Cardianl Koenig, Vienna (retired)
10. Cardinal Leonardine - Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Chicago (cf. also Cardinal of Century City and Archpriest in South Carolina) - priest who assisted in the Satanic "Enthronment of the Fallen Angel Lucifer" ceremony in the U.S. referred to in the book
11. German Jesuit Cardinal - Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J. (deceased)
12. Bp. "Leo" James Russeton - Bp. John Russell (deceased 1993)
13. Otto Sekuler - real person/name not disclosed, a member of the KGB
14. Frater Medico - Agnes' father, an M.D. (deceased)
15. Aldo Carnesecca - real person/name not disclosed (deceased)
16. Msgr. Daniel Sadowski - Msgr. Stanislao Dziewicz
17. Msgr. Taco Manuguerra - Msgr. Agosto Bueno
18. Jean Cardinal de Bourgogne - John Cardinal Cody
19. Fr. Damian Slattery, O.P. - composite of Michael Cardinal Browne, O.P., and a living former U.S. Dominican, perhaps Fr. Fiore
20. Fr. Christian Thomas Gladstone - composite of 3 priests
21. Mrs. Francesca Gladstone - elderly woman, still living
22. Windswept House - Galveston Island, Texas
23. Cyrus Benthoek - Bill Morrell (deceased)
24. J.J. Cardinal O'Cleary - John Cardinal O'Connor, New York (deceased)
25. Piet Cardinal Svensen - Leo Cardinal Suenens, Belgium
26. Local Chapel/SSPX "Danbury" - Dickinson, TX, chapel of the SSPX
27. Fr. Angelo Gutmacher - P. Schmidt, Cardinal Bea's secretary
28. Giacomo Cardinal Graziani - Angelo Cardinal Sodano, Vatican Secretary of State
29. Noah Cardinal Palombo - Virgilio Cardinal Noe, Vatican (retired)
30. Michael Continho, S.J. - Carlos Cardinal Martini, S.J., Milan
31. Victor Venable, OFM - Fr. Vaughan
32. Serozha Gafin (Moscow) - A. Golovin
33. Gibson Appleyard (U.S.A.) - composite of J. Hale, State Department, and William Colby, C.I.A.
34. Rev. Herbert Tartley, Church of England - former Archbishop of Canterbury
35. Nicholas Clatterbuck - real person, still living
36. Dr. Ralph Channing - real person, still living
37. Cliffview House - 304? Riverside Drive, New York
38. Jacques Deneuve (banker) - K. Schwab, World Trade Organization
39. Gynneth Blashford (publisher) - Bertelsmann
40. Brad Gerstein-Snell (communications) - Ted Turner
41. Sir Jimmie Blackburn (South Africa, diamonds) - James Goldsmith
42. Kyun Kia Moi (Korea) - real person, still living
43. Bp. Novacy - Abp. Pavel Hnilica
44. Maldonado (I.R.A.) - Sig. Alberico Novelli
45. Card. Amedeo Sanstefano (I.R.A.) - Silvio Cardinal Oddi (deceased)
46. Bp. Ievin Rahilly (CT) - Abp. John Whealon, Hartford (deceased)
47. Bp. Primas Rochefort (NY) - Bp. Matthew Clark, Rochester
48. Bp. Bruce Longbottham (MI) - Bp. Kenneth Untener, Saginaw (deceased)
49. Abp. Cuthbert Delish (WI) - Abp. Rembert Weakland, Milwaukee (retired)
50. Bp. Manley Motherhubbe (NY) - Bp. Howard Hubbard, Albany
51. Bp. Raymond Luckenbill (MN) - Bp. Raymond Lucker, New Ulm
52. Bp. Ralph Goodenough (IL) - composite of Chicago auxiliaries
53. Sr. Fran Fedora (Seattle) - Fran Ferder
54. Sr. Helen Hammentick (New Orleans) - ?
55. Sr. Cherisa Blaine (Kansas City) - Sr. Theresa Kane
56. "Capstone" - real person, still living
57. Card. Schuyteneer (Belgium) - Godfried Danneels, Belgium
58. Card. Azande (Gold Coast) - Francis Arinze, Congregation of Saints
59. Card. Reinvernunft - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
60. Abp. Canizio Buttafuoco - Abp. Gianni Danzi, Office of Secretary of State
61. Holy Angels House - Dominican House of Studies, River Forest, IL
62. Fr. George Haneberry - Fr. Donald Goergen, O.P., former provincial of Chicago Dominicans, author of "Sexual Celibate, later at an ashram in Kenosha, Wisconsin
63. Fr. Avonodor (Chicago Chancery) - Msgr. John Roche, Archdiocese of Chicago, friend of Joseph Louis Cardinal Bernardin; later worked for Helene Curtiss Cosmetics, Chicago
64. Fr. Lotzinger (Willowship) - Fr. Robert Lutz, St. Norbert's Church, Northbrook, IL
65. Sr. Angela - Alice Halpin, Lutz's school principal, former nun
66. Fr. Tomkins (Roantree) - fictitious name
67. Fr. Keraly (Harding) - fictitious name, or perhaps Fr. Kealy
68. Fr. Goerge Hotelet, O.P. - Fr. Georges Cottier, O.P., Rome, a papal theologian
69. Dr. Carlo Fiesole Marraci - Giovanni Baptista Marini-Bettolo Marcioni
70. Fr. Sebastian Scalabrini - Francis E. Pellegrini, murdered on May 30, 1984 in the process of exposing a satanic cult in Chicago
71. Rodolfo Salvi - Roberto Calvi (1920-1982), of Banco Ambrosiano, found hung by the neck from a bridge over the Thames in a ritualized killing.

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